Banned from store for exchanging contact info

@okayspot this was quite an interesting read and I commend your courage for sharing it. I can't imagine what type of worries and emotions you must have had throughout the course of this, but I guess the silver lining is that maybe you can readjust your expectations of what you will get out of providers going forward. I'm sure that you already have, but just wanted to highlight it for you.

Having been in a similar position where I wanted to be "more" and stay in touch with providers outside of the shop (though not nearly as deep and overwhelmed as yourself), as time passed I realized that the cost/benefit wasn't really worth it and I should just focus on enjoying the experience as it happens (as opposed to thinking about how to get more outside of the shop). Though one could also argue that it's also okay to keep trying and move on quickly if you strike out, but everyone is different in their level of attachment and persistence.

Hope everything is much better for you going forward!