Crime In Japan

Is insurance against loss to theft unavailable or prohibitively expensive in Japan for some reason (despite the low crime rate)? Surprising to me if so.


It's not prohibitively expensive - but you tend to have a bond with your bike... Things like the setup of suspension and aftermarket parts to enhance the personality of the bike. So, having it stolen, is tough. Yes, it can be replaced but it won't be the same.
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I have a first floor apartment.... But my panties are still all there. Hope it stays that way!
I just had twice an incident with groping on the train.
Is groping on the train still a problem in Japan? When you were groped could you identify who was groping you?
What part of Tokyo was that where the two bikes were stolen back-to-back?

Shinjuku.... :/

It was in a residential area clsoe to Yamate-dori though, not in the entertainment/business areas. Most of the parking areas down there have surveillance cameras, either their own or they're covered by the general crime prevention cams.

Is insurance against loss to theft unavailable or prohibitively expensive in Japan for some reason (despite the low crime rate)? Surprising to me if so.


It's generally unavailable except with new vehicle purchases, be it car, truck, or motorcycle. Theft of/from vehicles

you tend to have a bond with your bike...

It's the same for any gearhead or serious bicyclist. Your vehicle of choice is an extension of you.

You can easily gauge the level of attachment of attachment that an owner has - just look at the number of modifications and/or stickers. The more it's personalised, the more fiercely attached the owner is likely to be.

There was even a study where it was proven the number of bumper stickers on a car directly correlated with the likelihood of the driver being prone to road rage, as they would see actions potentially harmful to their vehicle as a direct attack upon their person.
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It's generally unavailable except with new vehicle purchases, be it car, truck, or motorcycle. Theft of/from vehicles

Yep. Mine was custom ordered, new in the crate. :)

Shinjuku.... :/

It was in a residential area clsoe to Yamate-dori though, not in the entertainment/business areas. Most of the parking areas down there have surveillance cameras, either their own or they're covered by the general crime prevention cams.

I ride down Yamate-dori a lot - That's surprising to hear, but then again, not surprising I guess. (less foot traffic in those quieter areas off the main drag)

You can easily gauge the level of attachment of attachment that an owner has - just look at the number of modifications and/or stickers. The more it's personalised, the more fiercely attached the owner is likely to be.

Not much on the stickers but I've modded it quite a bit... just ordered some new mirrors to replace the stock ones that are kind of gaudy. Otherwise, about 8 mods or equipment added.
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Is groping on the train still a problem in Japan? When you were groped could you identify who was groping you?

Maybe not as often but I'm a foreigner so maybe they are more hesitant than with a Japanese woman.
One guy was sitting to my left and tried to slide his hands under my dress. He was clearly drunk and first pretended to 'sleep'.
The other incident was in a full train and I felt hands on my ass a couple times. But I couldn't really determine from which it came in the end.
Is insurance against loss to theft unavailable or prohibitively expensive in Japan for some reason (despite the low crime rate)? Surprising to me if so.


You can buy bike specific insurance here......