Dear potential clients, please don't ask providers "are you free now".

I’m not sure I’m following what a number of my fellow customers are saying. Ya, I think that if I call a freelance carpenter at 4am and wake him up, he might be a little miffed. And even if somehow he wasn’t pissed that I woke him up, he certainly wouldn’t show up at my door 2 hours from now ready to work. He’d want to know the size of the project, the material, provide estimates, etc. It’s not a perfect analogy but an escort needs to know when, where, how long, travel time, make up/prepare, probably screen the person.

Maybe I’m out of touch but i thought last minute appointments were half the appeal of DHS?

Otherwise, I do agree that adding in details like “I need at least X hours of notice before an appointment” and “I don’t respond to messages between 1-8am” to ads could help, but there’s a certain level of common sense as well.
3 if you_re free Friday, let_s do lunch kin_yobi, aiteru_ yokattara , ranchi shinai.png