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Closed Dedicated Nampa Section?

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May 23, 2014
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I was wondering if there is scope to start a dedicated Nampa section. I know there already exists a 'Dating and relationships' section but I feel that members of this website might have lots to share on this particular topic so it warrants its own dedicated section.

I believe such a section would encourage members to branch out more from the pay for play school of thought.

I welcome any comments, positive or otherwise.
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Though, it might be labelled more broadly as Approaching Women, Pickup, Non-P4P, & Nampa.

Often, Japanese and foreigners think about Nampa differently. When I talk to many Japanese, they look at trying to approach and talk with women directly and outside of their group circles or Nampa, as something very negative and weird, where foreigners see it as men approaching and talking to women directly as something more NATURAL.

In Japan, Many Japanese women often see Nampa very negatively and inappropriately associate it with with con-artist, hustlers, and criminals. Many can't comprehend why a stranger outside their circles/bubble would ever approach, thus they become excessively fearful or suspicious.

While many Japanese guys are very afraid to do Nampa (due to it's bad reputation in Japan), are too used to buying women, or on the flip can get hyper/overly aggressive (especially when drunk) when they do approach.

Naming the category something other than just Nampa, might be better understood cross culturally.
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Usally I refer to it as hunting with guys and wanting to talk to girls. The word Nampa has some negative image I think. However, for some reason when Japanese dudes are with you they are more then happy to give it a shot. Also, if you are worried about being snaked out talk it over with your wingman first...
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On Saturday nite I did a girls bar in Kabukicho. Basicaly a cheap hostess bar where the girls talk but arent allowed to sit down.

Girl #2 had a daytime job as writer for a womens mag with online column where she gives advice to young women on relationshipz

Most FAQ : How can I find a boyfriend?

Surprisingly, one of her recommendations is to hang at a Hub, bcoz foreigners will come up and talk to them naturaly. I agreed :)
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Thank you for the suggestion, we will consider adding the section in the upcoming reorganization process.
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Thank you for the suggestion, we will consider adding the section in the upcoming reorganization process.

Good forum 社長 (y):cigar:

A revamp sounds like a cosmic idea, since it is sometimes difficult 2 know where to post a particular topic

If I may be so bold as to make a suggestion, I would suggest revamping the whole of the final section to make it more specific i.e. the following headings

Pink salons
Date Cafes
Chinese massage joints
Happening bars
Oppai bars
Other types of bars offering more than a drink

It will make it easier to find old stuff too
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Good forum 社長 (y):cigar:

A revamp sounds like a cosmic idea, since it is sometimes difficult 2 know where to post a particular topic

If I may be so bold as to make a suggestion, I would suggest revamping the whole of the final section to make it more specific i.e. the following headings

Pink salons
Date Cafes
Chinese massage joints
Happening bars
Oppai bars
Other types of bars offering more than a drink

It will make it easier to find old stuff too

Thank you for your message.

We have been talking about this a little and we believe this kind of various information has spread to various sections. It may take some time to go through and pick/move relevant topics into the correct section. Additionally, encouraging people to post in the relevant sections may take some effort as well.

Nothing's decided yet, but we will do something in the end to help organize and make content easier to identify and find for future members and visitors.
Having more specific sections - would indeed make it easier to find information about a specific genre. But I guess the TAG computer boffins would have to dedicate some of their mongering time to switching things around......
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That is another good point about a Nampa/Approaching Woman section. It would bring in new members. I came by via seeing the happening bar posts. I would think that new sections would catch the eye of other types of guys and expand the knowledge of how to have fun in Japan.
That is another good point about a Nampa/Approaching Woman section. It would bring in new members. I came by via seeing the happening bar posts. I would think that new sections would catch the eye of other types of guys and expand the knowledge of how to have fun in Japan.

Solong, Thank you.

@Mosboss - Yes, it would take some time but we are trying to make a strong commitment to collect & organize the information in a way that is most beneficial to our members. If that entails spending more time plucking threads from forum to another, then that is what we will do.

When TAG was started and up until just recently, we wanted to keep things as simple as possible. A bunch of empty sections would not attract people to hang around and contribute. Now, we have a fairly good mass of content and this is a good turning point to being adding sections and arranging things as it makes sense.

TAG's 5th Birthday is coming up! The site went online sometime in August 2009 and we opened registration in September 2009. We greatly appreciate all of our original members as well as all of the new blood that has found their way here. Thanks to you all for making TAG what it is today. We are probably one the most active English-language resources for adult entertainment, at least for the Tokyo/Kanto region!
Thanks guys! Appreciate it very much!

5 Years, impressive by my own standards.

We have more stuff to roll out, but RL work takes a toll on our time to manage the site. Some weeks are better than others, but our lives in the offline world stay full to the brim. :/
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So when does this new nampa section gets created? @Solong and many others seem to have lots of useful knowledge to share!
So when does this new nampa section gets created? @Solong and many others seem to have lots of useful knowledge to share!

New Nampa section will be visible during the business day today (10/30/2014)!
You should move any Nampa related posts into the new section. With forums sometimes people suggest what they want to see but not what they want to actually write & contribute to. Just my opinion.
FYI, replies to the Nampa section does not show on the recent replies quick view area.
You sure it's fixed? Cos now the whole thing is gone - at least on mobile view
You sure it's fixed? Cos now the whole thing is gone - at least on mobile view

Actually, it was supposed to be turned off on the mobile view... to prevent clutter on the smaller screens. (iPhone etc.)

If you saw that it was very useful on mobile view, we can re-enable it. But, yes, the post inclusion was fixed.
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