Escorts - Why Did You Choose To Become An Escort?

And, btw guys, this is the difference between a "merely" excellent escort and one of the rare truly great ones.

Probably I should explain the above (which I wrote while half-asleep and feeling a bit sick) somewhat better.

The point I intended to make isn't even specific to escorts or other sex workers but applies to all sorts of professions and jobs. Basically, the more a person loves their job, the better they are at it, and in a cycle of positive reinforcement, the better someone is at doing something, the more they enjoy doing it.

In the context of being a monger, this means that the escorts you least want to see are those that loathe the work and are only doing it out of necessity or under coercion of some sort. An escort who chose and likes the work is likely to be very good or excellent. An escort for whom sex work is a sort of dream come true and who finds it pretty much the best job she can realistically imagine having is most likely truly great at what she does. As with all human patterns, there are exceptions and complicating factors of course.
