February - Morning Thread


Mistress of the Night
Executive Leadership
Global Moderator
Sep 24, 2009
Reaction score
Morning all!

It's now February! January flew by!!!!

I'll start a new a morning thread for each month and close the old thread to keep things a bit fresh!

Despite the bad news about Rodger, so far it's been a good morning for a Monday. :eek:

<3 Karen
Morning Karen.

It's a cloudy Monday morning, at least it is not raining.

I saw the posts about Rodger and even though I didn't know who he was, he sounded like a really nice guy with a lot of happiness in his future. It is a sad event for a life so short-lived.

Out of respect, I'll probably go watch his videos.



Oh how I hate thee.

BUT! At least this week can't be nearly as bad compared to the last few months! I'll get to go home on-time each day for a change! :p

Hope the rest of you have a good day!
Good evening from NYC. Hope you guys and gals in Japan are having a good Monday.

I'm eating a delicious New York style pizza as I type and plan getting lost in a movie before passing out for the night.

Cheers all.
Hi Mark! Thanks for stopping in! It's a bit of a somber Monday here Japan. At least for a number of us that had knowledge of Rodger, as you already know.

I don't think I have gotten anything at work done today, just out of focus. :(
I just realized, Mark, are you in NYC now? I'm getting you and Bishop confused...

It's cloudy and rainy in Tokyo as of now, about 30 minutes left in the day and then I'm going home.

Good luck getting some sleep Bishop!

Yes, actually I am in NYC right now. Flew here for a board meeting and will be heading back to LA on Wednesday. Next trip after this will be Tokyo, sometime around the end of March.
Morning / Evening, wherever you may be!

Busy Tuesday here, so will be popping in and out as the day goes on. Here's hoping that Tuesday will fly by like Monday did.

Oh Karen? Where are thou? You are slacking in the morning greetings lately!
I'm buried in work. :( I'm going to hurt someone across the hall who is very incompetent. :mad:
Good Friday Morning! :)

Eliah - You need to go yell at someone, Qwest has been dumping routes all morning. This is the first time I've been able to get a post through. Pissing me off man...

Hi Chris. I can see you are in a good mood today. Wish I was... this week was way too busy for my tastes. As I explained earlier, I have been a victim of stupidity and just plain laziness.

I'm so freaking glad this week is just about over!
Awwww.... Karen is having a rough day. :( Any plans for the evening?
Hell Yes. I'm dragging the bf out tonight, against his will if necessary. Already warned him via text.
Are all of you busy with work? Been kind of quiet around here this week!
Morning from Singapore! I see you guys are still in hiding, lol. I know Eliah is traveling on business and I'm in Singapore, but where are the rest of you?!
