Arghh! I few months ago, I was feeling horny and made the mistake of following a Japanese tout. I know I know! Shouldn`t have done that. But then hey, you wouldn`t get to laugh at my experience! So I am lead up the stairs to this place right next to Shinbashi Station. It is very near to the building with all those massage places (right in front of the station). Anyway I get up the stairs (I think to the 2nd or 3rd floor) and pay my 6,000 Yen. Then this woman who looks to be about 60 and in a high school uniform comes to my booth after about a ten minute wait. I think Uh Oh, I been scammed. In my younger days, I would have argued for my money back. But getting slapped across the face and surrounded by 6 thugs in Bangkok cured me of any bravado in cases such as this. And sure enough it was a good move which I will get to soon. "Miss High School 1920" LOL is ready to give me a BJ but I say oh, no I am OK. No problem. And I get up to leave. She tries to stop me. And the guy at the door says I have other girls. But I am afraid to see what will come at me next! So I say very politely, it is OK. And as I go downstairs, I see the biggest Japanese Dude I think I have ever seen, he looks like a sumo wrestler in a very bad mood. I`m thinking Oh crap, is he not going to let me get by. But he is obviously the heavy if anyone raises any stink. I haven`t. I have "donated" 6,000 Yen to their cause and received nothing and even been sickeningly polite about it too.
So Mr. Sumotori lets me pass. Not sure how I got past him as he was so big. But I did.
Then what do I do. I am getting old! I forget where the place is and go their a second time the other day.
LOL. Luckily the guy says, the woman will come soon can you wait? Then I remember where I am.
Damn! I think, this is the same place that scammed me before. I doubt they have changed their policy.
So avoid the pink salon so close to Shinbashi Station you can almost reach across the small street with the XXX theatres on it and touch the train line (above you) (up on the 2nd or 3rd floor).
I briefly thought of going to the police. LOL Then I came to my senses.
"You see officer, I was hoping to get a BJ from a young Japanese lady, and this huge, lady who must have been a high schooler in the Edo Era shows up, that`s gotta be a crime right?"
I thought better of approaching the police and telling them a story like that LOL. Be careful out there. Avoid all touts. Remember: "When you`re horny, just say no to touts!"
So Mr. Sumotori lets me pass. Not sure how I got past him as he was so big. But I did.
Then what do I do. I am getting old! I forget where the place is and go their a second time the other day.
LOL. Luckily the guy says, the woman will come soon can you wait? Then I remember where I am.
Damn! I think, this is the same place that scammed me before. I doubt they have changed their policy.
So avoid the pink salon so close to Shinbashi Station you can almost reach across the small street with the XXX theatres on it and touch the train line (above you) (up on the 2nd or 3rd floor).
I briefly thought of going to the police. LOL Then I came to my senses.
"You see officer, I was hoping to get a BJ from a young Japanese lady, and this huge, lady who must have been a high schooler in the Edo Era shows up, that`s gotta be a crime right?"
I thought better of approaching the police and telling them a story like that LOL. Be careful out there. Avoid all touts. Remember: "When you`re horny, just say no to touts!"