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Gaijin Friendly Pink Salons (Updated)


TAG Member
Oct 26, 2012
Reaction score
Happy Hinomaru (ハッピィ日の丸)
Location: Kabukicho, Shinjuku-ku, Central Tokyo.
Address (Japanese): 新宿区歌舞伎町歌舞伎町 2丁目36番
Google Map View:,82.2713630026 6152,,0,0
Phone: 03 3208 0088
Opening hours: 9am to 1am or last (1am based on recruitment page)

Web Page:
- 20 minutes 4000 yen
- 30 minutes 6000 yen
- 40 minutes 8000 yen
- 50 minutes 10000 yen
- 60 minutes 12000 yen

- Girls around 30s
- Touching ok
- Gaijin OK
- HUGE red sign on the outside of the building. You can see the security standing outside in the Google View. It's next to M Girls Bar (which has a huge sign too).
- Kabukicho has a ton of sex places and they will virtually try to pull you off the street to get you into them.


Jan Jan (ジャンジャン)
Location: Sugamo, North Toyko.
Webpage: Doesn't exist.
Address (Japanese): 巣鴨巣鴨 1丁目13番 (Next to point D - Google wasn't playing ball on this one.)
Google Map View: Google Maps Street View
Opening hours: Unknown, but assume 10am to midnight or last.

- 20 minutes 3000 yen
- Other courses are unknown.

- Foreigner friendly
- You can see the shop's pink sign under the stairs if you rotate the view around until you are looking straight at the blue roof and stairs. You can also see the massive red sign that says ジャンジャン, B1 on the side of the building if you go one Google step right or left and turn back.
- Bare back blow jobs available.
- There are at least 2 or 3 other pink salons in this area from what I saw on Google Maps.


Emotion (Upstairs) - older girls (?)
Dio (Downstairs) - younger girls
Location: Gotanda, South Tokyo.
Address (Japanese): 東京都品川区東五反田1-16-2
Google Map View:,297.672078215 8256,,0,0
Phone: 03 3440 6766
Opening hours: 9am to last.

Web Page: &

- All foreigners must take the 7000 yen 2 girls course regardless of time of day.

- Girls around 30s
- Touching ok
- Gaijin OK
- My review: Long Review: Dio/Emotion
- Bare back blow jobs available.
- DIO is in English on the sign (no Katakana).
- There are a TON of other Pink Salons in this area.
hello, do these places having washing facilities for the girls? If not, do they do the deed wih semen on their clothes and hair?