Gifting Etiquette

When I came last November I brought some Thanksgiving-themed chocolates, mostly because it gave me something to small talk about and break the ice. Not many of the girls I spoke to knew about the holiday. One of them even ate them with me which surprised me, I had assumed they'd be regifted. When I come back next week I'm bringing some candies made from cactus that a company near me makes. And some Cheetohs for two providers who I saw in November and said they were their favorite American snack? (I don't get it, I think Cheetohs are horrible personally.)

A company near me makes little sampler jars with desert wildflower-fed bees and I thought it'd be a good little gift sometime, too.
I only really do gifts with regulars. One of my favourite regulars is deeply into horror movies and has a huge collection of horror figurines. Every so often I come across one that I know she'd love and I snag it and give it to her at our next meeting. A fully articulated Leatherface may not be everyone's idea of romance, but it sure gets her motor running (just like that chainsaw).
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