Hey, hello, hi, and konnichiwa


TAG Member
Feb 25, 2023
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I thought it would be nice to write a small introduction.

My first, and last, visit to Japan was all the way back in 2012. I started planning that trip in early 2011 with handful of friends. Our trip consisted out of doing all the touristy stuff and visiting all the key sightseeing stuff. While my friends were hiding themselves in the deepest, darkest corners of second hand stores searching for the nastiest doushinji they could find I was tossing 100¥ coins (which at exchange rates back than was hell-a expensive) into arcade machines in Shinjuku and Akihabara. My plan was to return during the 2020 Olympics, or at least around that time period to still enjoy a bit of the atmosphere. And we all know how traveling in 2020 went.

Now... I decided it is time to go back to Japan.

Partially to do fulfill the promise I made to myself of returning 10 years later, partially because I am still that guy looking for that one exclusive to Japan game and partially to experience Japan differently than I did back in 2012.

The different experience does include the nightlife experience, the not discussed on anime forums experience. And for that I am glad I found T.A.G. and all the user reviews which helped me a lot in figuring out that as an English speaking foreigner I can also engage in all that fun.

[edit] If any one can lead me into right directions / give helping hand finding places feel welcome to drop a dm.
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I have bookmarked a bunch of websites of foreign friendly places. But you make a good remark there, I am no way looking for that AAA looking girl with perfect tits, ass and everything. Would be nice if it swings that way but it's about the full experience.