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Is Asking A Japanese Woman Directly If She Wants To Have Sex...sexual Harassment In Japan?

Most of NLP is junk and I say this having read several of Bandler's books. I'm not quite sure what confessing something has to do with hypnosis, it more likely falls under some other form of psychology.

We might quite possibly be in agreement [emoji15] [emoji1] .

The effectiveness of NLP and also hypnosis is very controversial. However, I have seen both work, but in a sports/athletic performance context, and not PUA. Even in the context that it is effective, this is very different from effectively implementing it in PUA or any natural free flowing conversational interaction.

However, I do agree that confessing your own views on something first can make someone more open to sharing their view too, presumably as they feel that they will not be judged for it.

We agree. Keep in mind that my journey towards PUA, didn't start in that area, but in swinging.

As a swinger, we are more inclined to identify people that are sexually open-minded. But, may have to be very careful about how we do this. This can be the case for any non-traditional group. Polyamory, bi-sexual, S&M, etc...

For instance, I might meet a woman who I can want to start a relationship with, that is totally against swinging or who is very sexually close-minded. Many of my swinger friends have had this happen, where we may feel forced to compartmentalize relationships. With X, we can do swinging. With Y, we can't, but she is so hot that we want to proceed anyway. And with Z, it's a "maybe" situation that could go either way in the future.

People tend to hide or lie about who they are, for all kinds of reasons. Fear, cowardice, insecurity, shame, etc.... So you need some method to pull the truth out. There is a need to bypass the bullshit and social shields that people put up, and get to deeper or core aspects of each other personalities and beliefs.

Having a sex related conversation, based on the actions of 3rd parties, is often effective at pulling their opinions and experiences out. It can also have the effect of very QUICKLY establishing sexual compatibility and create stronger bonds.

This chick is a straight out no fun grandma type repressed prude, check please, time to go. This woman is very open-minded and into things I Iike too, we definitely have things in common and the conversation is forming a bond.