Kitty Review....


TAG Member
Dec 10, 2013
Reaction score
At a loose end in Tokyo and having seen Kitty's reviews decided to drop her an email. She responded promptly and arrangements were all fine. She let me know when she was 15 mins away and arrived on time. Great looking lady, with the pictures on the site completely accurate. Nice and curvy. Formalities out of the way and down to business. I've got 20 years of punting experience on 4 continents and I can say that her BJ was the best I've ever had. Went on forever for one thing, so much so that I felt I should ask if she needed a rest. As others have noted the DT element is in the awesome category, and even though I do this covered the feeling was exceptional. On to sex and here the GFE comes out and it's really like being with a girlfriend. So much so I'm wondering whether she will be able to maintain this approach as time goes on - but for now anyway she is offering a great experience. Happy personality and nice to talk to as well. All in all a great way to unwind in Tokyo.
Another happy customer! Nice first post, and thanks for the review.
Hurrah! I'm so glad you had a good time! When I stop being able to give the 'personalized experience' is when I quit the game. ;)

Thank you for the feedback and have a safe trip home!