My Darling is a Foreigner


Mistress of the Night
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Sep 24, 2009
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ダーリンは外国人映画」 - My Darling is a Foreigner - The Movie

Some friends saw this movie at special preview this last Tuesday (3/30). The general feedback was good and it was a cute movie. From April 10th to April 16th at Roppongi Toho Cinema, this movie be showing in Japanese with English subtitles.

The Manga series has been funny and really cute, I hope the movie is good too. The first impressions were very good; it's not too 'anti-foreigner' and Johnathan's Japanese is actually very good!

Yes, going to drag the BF along too... :p
This is more or less a girl's movie?

I think it's a good movie for mixed-couples, maybe a little girlsh - I wouldn't expect to single men going to this movie with their buddies though. I head from my friends that there were a few foreign guys there that were being rude during the interview with the original couple and the two actors who played them in the movie. I don't know what they said, just that they were loud and said some mean things that could be heard by people sitting around them. If your Japanese isn't fluent, I'd certainly recommend you go see it while they are offering the English sub-titles.

The really cute black Softbank guy is in the movie too!
We'll probably go see it, I'm certain the Japanese girl I have been seeing on and off will want to go. I don't mind... kind of tired of the movies we had seen lately. This is will be a nice change of pace. I have never tried to read the manga version, maybe I will give that a try before we see the movie. I know enough of the story involved, reading the manga should fill in the gaps of the things I probably wouldn't understand. Maybe it will motivate me a little further to upgrade my Japanese language skills.
Hm. I looked up this Manga, It might be a good read.

May order some of the Manga, this movie won't be available for awhile for us in the states.
Have not read this Manga, I'm sure I will be going to see movie this though.

I forgot to mention that the English sub-title version is also being shown in Osaka at Toho Cinema Umeda (梅田). Based on the Japanese information posted, it's the same date range as Toho Roppongi.


I forgot to mention that the English sub-title version is also being shown in Osaka at Toho Cinema Umeda (梅田). Based on the Japanese information posted, it's the same date range as Toho Roppongi.


Thanks Karen, going to send this to some friends in Osaka. :)
3 More Days to go!

Looks like we're going to go see this tonight, will let everyone know what I think tomorrow.

I'm interested to see the type of people going to see this. Should be fun to watch!
We did finally get to see this, just didn't have time to get back here to post about it!

The movie was cute and the Japanese level of the actor was very good. I had half expected Johnathan Sherr's Japanese to be not as good as it was, very impressed actually.

ZOMG, Mao is adorable! lol. Don't know what else to say, she's such a cutie and I think she did a decent job with this movie. She looks like one of these regular girls I pass on the street everyday, very refreshing.

I'm going to have to read the Manga now, I'd like to see more about this.

It's not a bad flick to take your GF or Wife to, it was light hearted and fun. The ending was unexpected, but it cleared up what the bookstore scene meant... [no spoilers!]

Mao is a cutie for sure!

Johnathan and his wife just had a baby girl this week too!! Exciting times for them both!
