Several post in this forum said ND was expensive and AM was most affordable. However, for 45mn ND proposes 20.000Yen (+2.000 if selction of girl) while AM is around 28.000 ...
Thanks for your help.
Anyway I've appointment with Risa of ND in Sunday.. Let's see !
Several post in this forum said ND was expensive and AM was most affordable. However, for 45mn ND proposes 20.000Yen (+2.000 if selction of girl) while AM is around 28.000 ...
1- the ND price you quote is for 45 min, yet the AM price is for 1 hour. The comparable AM price for 45 minutes would be (28,000*0.75) = 21,000. Nearly the same as ND.
2- ND is much more expensive in other time brackets: for 35,000 you only get 90 minutes at ND, but for that same 35,000 you get 2 hours at AM (2 hours at ND is *50*000!). Additional hours at ND are 25,000, but only 13,000 with AM.
Given the choice, I go with AM. They have quality girls with great attitudes and they don't break the bank. I can't say I've heard the same about ND.