Read Any Good Books Lately?

@roots reggae Do you know how much i love you right now? :love:
Ten years ago or something i read a japanese book that was fantastic, but even though i remembered the story i was totally unable to remember the title/author - and googling some of the plot keywords turned out to be an utter fail. While reading your post the name "Abe Kobo" for some reason rang a bell, so i wikipedia-ed him. Bingo, he is the author of "Secret Rendezvous", the book i was searching for all these years. THANK YOU!

First-timers could start with "The Music". It's one of Mishima's lightest book, there's some humour, and it's a very addicting book. It's about a psychoanalyst trying to cure his new patient, a beautiful woman who "can't hear the music" anymore, while navigating through her lies.

Mercy, you can't imagine how nice you just made me feel! My pleasure! I've read quite a bit of Abe Kobo, but not Secret Rendezvous. I'll have to see if my local library has a copy.

I've read quite a few Yukio Mishima, bit have not review all. I need to read just one more of his four part series to finish it. I'll look for The Music based on your recommendation:love::love:.

I'm in a Japanese phase right now.

My specialty in university was literary criticism and literary analysis. I wrote my masters thesis on a rhetorical analysis of Book Nine, Paradise Lost. I found Milton massively boring, however, if I do say so myself, my wholly original analysis was nothing short of brilliant! I still cannot believe I wrote on that level.
Just finished reading the Condor Trilogy, it's something I read as a child and I was always fascinated with the Kung fu hero stories, the second book is definetly my favorite. It explores romatisism deeply, gives me the nostalgic feelings. I would recommend it if you read Chinese, since there are many terms and philosophical phrases that cannot be translate it to other languages.

Also reading The Catcher in the Rye purely for a nostalgia for my high school years.