Time: The Science of Kissing (..And why it's important!)


TAG Member
Oct 2, 2016
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Some interesting excerpts:
  • Overall, the researchers showed that the amount a couple kissed was proportional to their stated level of relationship satisfaction.
  • People remember their first kiss more vividly than the first time they had sex.
  • Men who kiss their wives before work live 5 years longer, make 20-30% more money and are far less likely to get in a car accident.
  • It matters a lot more to women than men.
  • Women were very focused on men’s teeth and hygiene.
  • Men were much more likely to see kissing as a mere step toward sex.
  • Other studies reveal these differences held true across cultures.
You know it has always been about white tennis socks when wearing sandals.
That's what the fashion critics would want you to believe, but I am in a league all by myself. In other words what I am trying to say is,
I saw upfront that it was from Time, what I meant is, that it's the kind of topic that should be on Cosmo and only chicks should read

Yeah, I got that, I was suggesting due to the publisher and the comment regarding masculinity, I disagree with you. :p
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i read a reprint of an article in the scientific american mind magazine earlier this year while i was in osaka waiting ...


- We might also have inherited the intimate kiss from our primate ancestors.
- kissing would boost levels of oxytocin
- kissing is presumably a stress reliever
- the researchers were surprised to find that oxytocin levels rose only in the males, whereas it decreased in the females, after either kissing or talking while holding hands.
- it conveys subconscious information about the genetic compatibility of a prospective mate.
- some 700 million members of the human race have not undertaken the art of osculation

“Kisses are a better fate/than wisdom.”