To fap or not fap before a session

Right but a Tenga is just a vaginal simulator (i.e. a fleshlight)...I want to know what these guys are using that gets them off but which cannot be easily recreated by a partner's hand, mouth or vagina...I literally cannot think of a scenario...
I know this question has been asked but i believe my situation is a bit different.

So I am having my first time ever (not just p4p) and am actually really nervous about what would happen if i cum within 1 minute after beginning the session, also I'm just 20 years old so I don't think getting my friend up should be a problem.
What do you guys think?
Did it go well?
Right but a Tenga is just a vaginal simulator (i.e. a fleshlight)...I want to know what these guys are using that gets them off but which cannot be easily recreated by a partner's hand, mouth or vagina...I literally cannot think of a scenario...

Doesn't have to be a sex you necessarily. There's something we mongers back in the States would call Death Grip Syndrome, DSG for short.

Basically what it is would be when a monger gets too used to his own style of jerking off so much that his body doesn't respond to someone else's technique (the provider). Gripping too hard on your own dick, using a certain twist and having a particular lube you use all the time on your dick can all be contributing factors. This causes that loss of sensitivity and makes it hard to get off from someone else's touch even though you may be genuinely aroused.

Another issue is too much porno (weird right? ). It can cause you to be psychologically desensitized by making you too used to the extremely sexual and deviant acts you watch all the time. Makes your own sexual encounters appear dull by comparison.

Don't ask me how I learned all that...
I would suggest to not fap for 48h before (but at least 24h if you're really horny). On the first time you will probably take longer to pop because of subconsious anxiety, even if you think you will pop instanly. Also, when you book 2h it should be easy to pop twice, even without practise.
To fap, or not to fap: that is the question:
Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take hands against a sea of troubles….
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