U.S. 2024 Presidential Election Season kicking off...so who are you betting on??

There is so much to unpack in this comment that I can not even bother. That line about "Proving you are nurturing" is such a backwards-ass way of thinking that I almost thought this is the year 1728 or something. "A woman too needs a man to show her the ropes of life and how to be satisfied and happy", my lord.
....no comment. Just let me grab some popcorn 🍿

I dont know the details about him, Im not even american.
I just know what intuitively I feel about the dude, in comparison with others.
I am American. Trump is a fucking monster that polarized my home town and made it a living hell. I wish he would go to prison and rot and die.

Your intuition isn’t doing you too much good here.
And the politicians I know from my country, or people who are into it and party members. I was not impressed with their behaviors let alone capabilities.

All in all politicians are not fit to lead the country. Politics is a game invented to select for sociopaths hungry for others to subscribe to their game, because only then it makes some sense.
Politicians study political science, what in the fuck do you think that is?

The fact that there are sociopaths is a disease of society, not of the science itself. Societal constructs are just that—constructs. This is supposed to be a positive thing by definition.

The opposition to politics is anarchy and tribalism, which doesn’t do a lot for minorities…which we will unpack in another ridiculous statement you put below.

Leaders should be people who have proven themselves in some field and business is very good analogy for leading country, after all, a country is a business. So the transition is smooth.
You would still maybe get a lot of sociopaths, but at least proven in some field that actually is tangible.
So we should totally have Bill Gates or Elon Musk run the USA by your logic. I’m absolutely sure being forced to pay taxes on the new shitty version of Microsoft Edge OR getting to buy groceries cause you have that fucking verified badge tattoed to your neck will go very well for this brave new ultra-capitalist world you speak of?

Being accomplished politician is like saying you are accomplished in being alive. It’s all social games and slimyness. I dont trust people like that because they have weird aura about them. And the few experiences I had confirmed it.
The origin of modern politics started with the Greeks. If they didn’t have people designated to discussing and working out laws and government with the chaos of their city-states I wouldn’t be surprised if they’d never even been a part of history.

Also, many politicians have to know real shit to actually do politics. Studying and knowing when they may say something abso-fucking-lutely stupid and not even realize how prattling nonsensically dissuades the majority of denizens usually doesn’t escape them.

(I’ll give Trump a point here for that, but in the end he shot himself so hard in the foot.)
Politics is inferior way of living life. It’s a level they succumb to in order to feel powerful. I "log in" to see what the clowns of the world are doing but I know very well the illusion of influence is just that - illusion.
Illusion is also something conflated with delusion as well.

Every person alive is equally influential on every other person.
Umm…okay? I’ll call up Warren Buffett and call him a fuckface so he cries and gives me some stock in Berkshire Hathaway.

but this is something monkey minded power hungry people dont know so they play stupid games. No wonder many cucks are politicians.
They spend entire lives chasing power. But they never embody it.
What the fuck?

A lot of things people do are not really rooted in reality but just hang in middle of nothing, with hope that if others also affirm the same nothingness, somehow it becomes valid in relationship to itself.
What in the flying fuckety fuck?

Politics is one of it, psychology another, current monetary system based on " ", as well. At least gold was a standard, now there is not even that. Then you got physicists "proving" its all simulation, people trying to devalue genders, races etc, everything is relative-ized lately, because truth became painful to observe for upcoming generation of people who are raised on comfort and addicted to it.
In all of that I can agree on one thing: some things are indeed painful to observe.

But if you actually do some soul seeking and contemplative thought, you can find a solid base to build your worldview on, and things become very clear once you do that.
I can agree. Have you done that yet?

Like Miyamoto Musashi wrote: Truth is what it is, and you can bend to it or live a lie.
Musashi also showed up late to duels to upset his opponents and then cut them down while they were enraged. While he holds a place as a warrior in history, during the age in which he lived he was considered a nuisance. Think very deeply about that.

And truly it’s a beautiful world after all, and every one alive is equally important part of this world. And all of this POTUS shit at the end of the day, or its beginning or its middle, doesnt really matter.
Probably the only thing you’ve written here that I actually can give credit.

As for women being tough, women are tough in their own ways. But often when a woman is a good strong powerful leader, she loses her attractiveness and femininity. Which goes to show that women are not built for it.

When a man is a good leader he grows in attractiveness and masculinity.
Mark Zuckerberg Smile GIF

So manly indeed…
Also I despise the modern trend of women being obsessed with proving they are tough, how about proving you are nurturing?
Women are born nurturers. I see today its a lot about power, power of sex appeal, of body, of character. But what about nurturing ability?
A nurturing woman, is a real treasure.
Sure, fine okay….but I would absolutely love to die in a headlock between Ronda Rousey’s superpowered legs. With my face buried so deep in her ass I will do a humming noise with my last breath in hopes to give her an orgasm before my brain ceases to function.

Dying any other way is kinda sus.
I was watching some K drama today (like a proper high test beast that I am without even trying) and see some girls were complaining about this actress being a Mary Sue character... And I wonder whats wrong with being damsel in need of savior? Whats so wrong about that? A man needs to be saved by God, no shame about it, and a woman too needs a man to show her the ropes of life and how to be satisfied and happy. In many ways women create a home, but men create environment for women to create home. It’s holographic thing. Zoom in zoom out its same pattern repeating itself, like flower, a row of petals encircling another row of petals and into eternity. God, man, woman, children.
I feel terrified for any woman you ensnare in the future.

You should read Lynch - how to make a slave https://new.finalcall.com/2009/05/22/willie-lynch-letter-the-making-of-a-slave/

Now replace "black/negro" with "any human living in western society" and you pretty much can draw your own parallels.
Actually, let’s continue talking about that “black/negro” bit. As a man of color I’m just hanging around wanting to know what Lynch would have told me back in that day!

It is a good read, I fully recommend it for anyone with above average IQ and attention span.
Definitely, I trust you haven’t read it yet and that’s okay.

And as for God being a polarizing word that pretty much is connected with different ideas and associations for me in comparison to you dear reader, rest assured it’s not any religious concept you are familiar with.
(not talking to you Alice I know you gucci)
May He have mercy on your soul.
Sometimes you just encounter something so perfect the only thing you can do is the stare in awe.
For some its my comments, for me its the mirror. XD

Im glad I made your night lads, sleep tight.
"The major problem—one of the major problems, for there are several—one of the many major problems with governing people is that of whom you get to do it; or rather of who manages to get people to let them do it to them.
To summarize: it is a well-known fact that those people who most want to rule people are, ipso facto, those least suited to do it.
To summarize the summary: anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job."
Douglas Adams, The Restaurant at the End of the Universe
"The major problem—one of the major problems, for there are several—one of the many major problems with governing people is that of whom you get to do it; or rather of who manages to get people to let them do it to them.
To summarize: it is a well-known fact that those people who most want to rule people are, ipso facto, those least suited to do it.
To summarize the summary: anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job."
Douglas Adams, The Restaurant at the End of the Universe

I have always said it should be made illegal to run for a seat in elections. The sentence could be suspended for just running but real jail time for all who got elected.

I think you did not realise that Mr. Adams did not specify the governing style in his critique.

So you should then know to chill out too. The quote is from the only trilogy in the world that was planned to contain five books.
I kinda want to see Arnold Schwarzenegger run for President for no reason whatsoever.
I kinda want to see Arnold Schwarzenegger run for President for no reason whatsoever.
Unfortunately there's that "natural-born citizen" clause in the US constitution.

No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.

But he'd have the best campaign.... and quite frankly the Trump Brigade would largely change allegiance in hopes that he would become the Commandinator in Chief.
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But he'd have the best campaign.... and quite frankly the Trump Brigade would largely change allegiance in hopes that he would become the Commandinator in Chief.
Exactly! The slogan “I’m back!” is ripe for the taking here
I would want a competent politician with a long career in politics to lead the country. Ideally that’s how it should be.

Well, that can be a loaded topic. In an ideal situation of course that's true, but politics is a strange animal.

I've been in politics for a long time, and I've worked with far, far more of these assholes than I care to admit. Generally speaking--IN MY OPINION--an individual who dedicates his/her entire life to holding public office, GENERALLY, has something very wrong with him/her. Whether it be some deep-seated need for attention or affection, validation or acknowledgement, or just a ruthless need to have power over others, the vast, vast majority of career politicians I have worked with and campaigned for are seriously FUCKED UP human beings. Not kidding, they are sick people.

That said, if we're talking about a LEGISLATIVE political position, then it is absolutely better to have an official who has vast experience in the legislative process. There's nothing worse than some dumb fuck running for a House, Senate or Council seat, getting there and then not knowing the first thing about drafting and passing legislation...but that's exactly what happens more often than not.

Now, an EXECUTIVE position, like a mayor or governor or, yes, President, can be a very different animal. While it's generally helpful for that person to understand the legislative process since he/she will have to work directly with such a body, I would argue that it can, in certain situations, be beneficial for that executive to NOT have been tainted by years and decades of experience in politics, mainly because they aren't, off the bat, beholden to the usual suspect special interests, political factions, "tradition," or what have you.

The problem with these types, as I see it--as in with a character like Trump, for example--is that a lot of these "not a career politician" candidates that vie for executive elected positions it that they're merely using it as bucket list stunt (like Trump). "HEY, I'M FUCKING AWESOME, I BUILT A $100-BILLION COMPANY, I SHOULD RUN FOR GOVERNOR!" Or President. Those types of campaigns never end well. But then there are true business executives who are near the end of their private sector careers, who fundamentally understand business and market trends and finance and economics far better than any career politician who, having accomplished everything they wanted to and seeing their cities, municipalities and states being mismanaged, decide to run for office to apply that life-long set of skills to governance. Many times, that can work. As much as I hate Mitt Romney, he's a perfect example. I've worked on gubernatorial campaigns for such candidates. Of course, because they have zero experience in politics they are tragically naive as to what we call "political realities" so more often than not these campaigns don't succeed.

But as I said, about 99.999999% of the time, when you meet some 22yo jerkoff who hasn't even held a FT job before and just graduated with his BA in Political Science and all he's interested in doing is running for office....yeah, that fucker probably has no friends, is still a virgin and likely a budding sociopath. And you'd be stunned at how many of them there are walking amongst you.
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One of the things about US politics that might surprise some non-Americans is the interaction between state and local governments. A city government might be Democratic while the state government is Republican. (Big cities tend to be Democratic. Rural areas tend to be Republican. The suburbs are sort of a mixed bag.)

Naturally, this sort of split can lead to conflicts. For example, a Democratic city government might want to increase the minimum wage only to have the move rejected by its Republican state government.
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In case anyone is interested, Liz Cheney is now beginning to give these big, exclusive primetime interviews on major networks. I think there's one scheduled for this week on NBC? Anyhow, that's generally a pretty good indication that she's made up her mind to run for president. It's more difficult to gauge with a potential candidate who's no longer in office, as what normally happens when a public official (like a Rep or Senator) decides to run is he/she begins shifting senior official staffers over to campaign positions, and then word spreads pretty quickly amongst political circles in DC and hacks like myself will get word a few weeks before the official announcement. The main reason for this is it's basically illegal for official staffers to be engaged in campaign duties while on the clock, and your senior official staffers--chief of staff, press secretary, legislative director, etc.--are the ones you generally trust the most and are usually the most loyal, so you take them off the official payroll and put them on the campaign payroll and that becomes your campaign inner-circle.

Anyhow, it'll be interesting to see Liz Cheney try to find her footing in this wide pool of GOP hopefuls, most of whom are useless jerkoffs. Again, I fully expect Trump to absolutely destroy almost all of them in the first debate, as virtually all of them--except for Cheney and a couple others--at one point came crawling to Trump Tower to beg then-POTUS-elect Trump for a job in his administration, and you can bet The Donald will be only too happy to bring that up. And it does beg a very valid question: If I'm such a bad guy, why did you want to work for me?

In other news, word is going around that the Biden campaign team is very seriously pursuing ways to not have any live debates, for obvious reasons. I mean, just like with Trump VS Clinton, you can expect the media to spoon-feed the Democratic candidate and secretly transmit all of the debate questions beforehand to his/her team (like CNN did to Hillary's team in 2016) but even then, Slow Joe can't even follow a teleprompter anymore and even with his comms team reading him his answers through an earpiece (like they did in 2020 and still do now) he still tries to veer off course and ad lib and then fucks everything up. If his disgusting family actually allows him to run for re-election, it's going to be quite a pitiful show. My guess is that if he actually does show up to a live debate they'll most definitely have a 20-second lag/delay in case he trips and falls walking out to the podium or has some sort of episode while trying to coax out an answer, unless they're going to have a "seated" debate which I don't think has ever been done before and I'm sure DJT would make a mockery of. At the very least, 2024 is going to be entertaining.
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Rural states with small populations have a structural advantage in the American system in terms of both the senate and electoral college. Since rural areas are usually conservative, this gives the Republicans a leg-up. In other words, the Democrats are always at a disadvantage in presidential elections.
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