Would You Work At A Pink Salon?

You would think their father can recognize them from their advertisement. Or is that why they make an appointment? To bust them? At least thats something i don't have to worry about.

There often were no photos in ads back when I first heard these stories; most ads weren't online, and even those that were often had no photos because they downloaded too slowly over modems etc. But in any case, the stories were probably urban legend.

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You know your daughter succeeded in life when she gave you the best blowjob you ever had.
Does that say more about your life or hers?;)

It's an urban legend. I'm sure that it's possible that it may have actually happened at some point or another, but Japan being Japan, I can't see either involved party every telling anyone about it.
Now that explains why I never got walked out by a girl in my limited experience, albeit meeting a daughter that way would be impossible in my case ;)
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