Zodiac Signs

I think mine fits... but i'm not sure if it fits because I want it to fit, or because it actually does (Libra). Also, i'm Year of the Dragon (1988/ Chinese Zodiac) so I definitely like that, lol. I'm not really indecisive... and i'm prone to confrontation (Military), but it fits mostly.
For some people it's a bit of fun, which is fine, but I know a few people who are serious devotees, and actually make important life decisions based on star charts.

Personally, I think astrology is hogwash, but NASA had a bit of fun with it earlier this year....
When I was a teenager, I did read horoscope stuff but not quite believed in it that much.
And my zodiac sign doesn't really fit for my personality. Most people guess it wrong if they don't know my birthday.
Most people guess it wrong if they don't know my birthday.

We should have a TAG contest/game/experiment of some kind in which we try to guess the Z signs of other members (whose birth dates they don't know of course). We could/should also see if any signs are over-represented among active TAG members compared to the population as a whole.

My Godmother was a serious fortune teller in NYC....very rich woman.......in fact she wanted me to pick up her Tarot Reading as she didn't have the time for it all......I passed......but it's fun......but also a con
It's all hokum.
Barnham statements that could apply to anyone, such as "you're not the type of person who takes things at face value".
I'm bitter though as a girl at uni I liked wouldn't date me because I was "the wrong sign and it wouldn't work" and then slept around because "that's what her sign did"... :meh:

But in all seriousness I am not knocking peoples beliefs in astrological signs, it's just not me however certain personality traits of Aries I tend to embody so that is the only thing I will give it kudos for.
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Hey, there's people on the planet that think Pro Wrestling is real......and......people that trust touts......was just laying it out plain and simple for those misfortunate ones that just may pass through here...... :p
I do not believe in Zodiac signs or its relevance in one's personality or traits. I dislike how people make relevant decisions based on this. However I like it when people use it in a positive way (like in matchmaking).

Sorry, just my personal opinion.