
My understanding is that some of the very popular escorts in the US or UK manages to do it with new customers and actually can assume the opportunity loss. Also and may be, they have more concerns with their own security in the US than our local ladies in Japan.

Some escorts require on top of a deposit and references, personal informations such as a copy of picture ID card, employers info, etc. Such level of screening actually makes me uncomfortable as I have no idea about the standard of IT security of their website and how safe are infos provided.

I guess they are defining the balance between their security and financial needs depending on their level of activity.
While last minute cancellations are annoying, they are always better than a no-show.
I was supposed to be in Japan a few weeks back and then the tropical storm hit - first time I had to cancel a date!

I personally do not mind paying a fee upfront (usually bank transfer) - the person selecting has the power and a fee is fair. I have been last minute cancelled a few time and as a traveler this sucks as usually I have no other options at that point...