Tag Policies


May 23, 2014
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Do you have any TAG policies these days? Mine are;

1. Avoid viewing any threads with dubious topic titles relating to toilet related issues.

2. Avoid posting on threads related to pick up artists.



Nampa topics are a taboo for me now. It never ends well for both parties :LOL:

Haha... just use the new ignore feature for that whole forum to avoid trouble. ;)

1. Avoid viewing any threads with dubious topic titles relating to toilet related issues.

Do we have that many to worry about?!?
Now that the forum ignore function is out, I'm using this basically for the Nampa section :) and trying to stay out of these type of conversations in general. Never ending stories.
Must be a worrying trend if all the ladies stay out of the PUA topics, but I'm sure noone is missing me there ;)
All PUA that I was approached by in the past are either filthy middle aged guy or young but not my type at all.
A few weeks ago, I finished my appointment in Shinjuku, quickly checked my cell phone before passing the gate at the station. This Japanese guy in his late 40's to 50's came talked to me if I was waiting for somebody. I said I am not but am going home now, bye. I found a message from client, had to respond quickly so I stopped there for about 5 minutes to type the reply.
Surprisingly he was still aorund, came back to me and ask if I was interested in having a chat with him if he pays me. No thanks.
If I want someone to chat or maybe share intimate time after that, I would look for them online rather than wait for someone to approach me in real life. I don't check Nampa / PUA section on TAG.
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Guess my fake typhoon alerts are still tolerable to you.;)

This last one was the second in a row to veer away from Tokyo and cause massive damage elsewhere.

Not to worry, the typhoon season is almost over.


It's back to earthquakes.

or maybe,

Mt. Fuji erupting.

or the most fearsome,

A Trump presidency.:arghh::arghh::arghh:
or the most fearsome,

A Trump presidency.:arghh::arghh::arghh:

Well, that's for you yankee boys only, outside the land of milk and honey everybody knows that the US president actually has about as much power to push his agenda as the Emperor of Japan. ;)

But this made me think what would be the most fearsome thing to happen. The first, traditional I admit, thing was that all my female friends would have their period at the same time. But then I remembered that couple of them actually start calling me just about that time and want to select a love hotel with a big bathroom and a mat :D. And you know that a real fisherman doesn't mind the weather but just continues to fish... ;)

After that it was easy; the most fearsome thing would be if they decided to stop manufacturing condoms :eek:.
I agree: in any forums the Ignore function is a must nowadays. And if I bother anyone please ignore me too! :)
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Yeah, the nampa section seems to be the only one where people uninterested in the subject regularly came by to instigate and drop off some hate! Luckily it's calmed down a lot recently and those interested can actually finally just talk about specifics in peace. If that's the result I'm happy for the "ignore forum" function. TY admins ^^, saves everybody a headache and less pointless hate is always good
Well, that's for you yankee boys only, outside the land of milk and honey everybody knows that the US president actually has about as much power to push his agenda as the Emperor of Japan. ;)

But this made me think what would be the most fearsome thing to happen. The first, traditional I admit, thing was that all my female friends would have their period at the same time. But then I remembered that couple of them actually start calling me just about that time and want to select a love hotel with a big bathroom and a mat :D. And you know that a real fisherman doesn't mind the weather but just continues to fish... ;)

After that it was easy; the most fearsome thing would be if they decided to stop manufacturing condoms :eek:.

Man, your life is so much more interesting than mine.:bored:

You actually interact with honest to goodness willing females.

I'm stuck playing "Chicken Little" with storms named after women and dreading other disasters-earthquakes and Trump.

I wish your comment regarding the lack of presidential power in the USA was true.

Consider George W.Bush and the damage he initiated; lives lost, invasion of sovereign nations using highly questionable rationale. (Scroll down to the Iraq section of the Foreign Policy Heading) the Great Recession ushered in due to his disastorous economic policies, etc.

Note: I just discovered the "link function."

I sincerely hope this does not result in similar discomfort as did previous fascinations with TAG's editing tools:

1.My discovery of colors
2. The Bold fiasco
3. Gif data-sucking
4. YouTube XXX-sucking
5. Pic madness
6. Please feel free to add your own
Imo it is important to distinguish between criticism and hate...though quite different, one is often mistaken for the other in many circumstances.


I am a bit curious though why there is the need to go there and criticize or hate at all? Granted I am not the longest TAG member, but in all the reviews I have read, and certainly the ones I have written, I have never seen Sinapse or another PUA type jump into the thread and say anyone was a loser for paying for time with a woman. In about a week of paying the PUA forum any attention, there have been more than a couple hostile THREADS. I know from reading elsewhere on the internet that there is a segment of PUA that view P4P as pretty sad, but they don't seem to intrude on the mongers. Why does the P4P side roll into the PUA forum?

Like, do you shave your butt? :cautious:

Hah, that may have been the thread I commented in so I could have bigger access to the site. I thought to myself, 'SELF! YOU KNOW ABOUT THIS!'

To the OPs question, my TAG philosophy is pretty much my IRL approach i.e. generally to not seek to dump on anyone's fun (which may mean avoiding a thread on dumps); find my own fun; avoid unnecessary cruelty; reserve the right to respond in kind.
I have never seen Sinapse or another PUA type jump into the thread and say anyone was a loser for paying for time with a woman.
That's coz you're new. :LOL:

They may not directly attack a guy like that, but they always play their little stupid game to people. Think Ramsey Bolton.

A kid thinking that the world isn't as hostile as it actually is. Savour the innocence, always a good thing ;)
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I am a bit curious though why there is the need to go there and criticize or hate at all? Granted I am not the longest TAG member, but in all the reviews I have read, and certainly the ones I have written, I have never seen Sinapse or another PUA type jump into the thread and say anyone was a loser for paying for time with a woman. In about a week of paying the PUA forum any attention, there have been more than a couple hostile THREADS. I know from reading elsewhere on the internet that there is a segment of PUA that view P4P as pretty sad, but they don't seem to intrude on the mongers. Why does the P4P side roll into the PUA forum?

It is a perfectly reasonable questions. I don't know if I can really answer it, but here are a few comments:

First of all, note that TAG is relatively unusual (at least ime) in having significant communities and discussions of both p4p and PUA. I suspect it is because the Tokyo English-speaking adult activities community is so small that it doesn't support/need separate forums for each as exist in most countries where English is the native language. I was only barely aware that the whole notions of PUA and nampa existed before I started reading TAG. On US p4p boards, pick-up is rarely mentioned, much less advocated by a group of users. This results in the two communities being much more aware of each other and in each other's faces than on other forums where I have any experience. It also often causes TAGers to talk/think/act as thought PUA and p4p are the only two ways of men dealing with women, which leads to absurd discussions of which is better (in one sense or another). In reality of course, the overwhelming majority of sex and couples in the world come about without any involvement of p4p or PUA activities.

Second, TAG PUAs actually do heap disdain and sharp criticism on p4p on a regular basis. A common assumption amount TAG PUAs seems to be that only men who can't get sex in any other way would ever be willing to pay for it...another absurdity (makes about as much sense as saying no one who has someone willing to prepare them meals at home would ever eat in a restaurant and pay for food preparation). A difference is that the PUA community mostly dumps on p4p in PUA related threads. It appears to me that this is basically because they are smaller in number and much newer to TAG than the monger community, so they are more on the defensive...and thus on "their own turf". It is also because they often drift toward the (non sequitur) defense of anything objectionable involved in PUA that it is not as bad as p4p...as though something is bad is made better by the existence of something worse.

Third, there are direct attacks on p4p by PUAs. See for example this thread:


And if you read enough discussions of p4p on TAG, you will certainly find plenty of little jabs and snide cuts by PUAs about how bad/sad/lame/whatever it is to pay for sex when it is available for free etc.

Fourth and finally, maybe most importantly, the p4p community is A LOT more self-critical than the PUA one to the extent I can judge. Lots of p4p's regard their commercial sex activities with a degree of disapproval, perhaps akin to the way many smokers regard their habit or many obese people regard their eating and exercising habits. For some (not too many), this reaches levels of self-loathing and self-disgust. These are folks, men and women, who have bought deeply into society's stigmatization of commercial sex but can't themselves resist it. We see some of this on TAG, but there is much more of it on many other p4p forums. By contrast, as far as I can judge, the PUA community is a rather strongly self-congratulatory and self-righteous crowd...who thus "need/deserve" external critics more than the p4p community does.

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Think Ramsey Bolton.


Sorry to basically repeat @TAG Manager 's post, but you are too much, @Ches . That line needed more than a simple "like" from me.

It is hard not to think of the Robert Burns lines of verse:

"O wad some Power the giftie gie us
To see oursels as ithers see us!
It wad frae mony a blunder free us,"

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Think Ramsey Bolton



But in all honesty, there's plenty of hostility form the PUA side of things - most commonly referring to P4P participants as SIMPs and generally being quite derisive.
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@Wwanderer Very much it.
I'm particularly sensitive to your point 4 where I'm also under the feeling that many PUAs are quite strong in their opinions.
Differences are made by psychologists and economists between hedgehogs and foxes (following a novel of Dostoyevsky). Hedgehogs have strong opinions and few doubts. They tend to make more mistakes but being more charismatic as they are easier to apprehend. Foxes don't know certainty. They weight opinions, choices and take compromise positions that may evolve without hurting their ego. The good point is that they are less wrong than foxes, the bad side is that they are not as demanded as pundits.
Most PUAs in tag are really hedgehogs.
At least a good half of p4ps are foxes.

To balance everything, I would add that recently I am under the feeling that there was more provocations and aggressiveness coming from p4p than the opposite....
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