The Anything Goes Thread

Probably the most moronic relationships-related app I’ve seen. So many ways it could go wrong

Another funny dialog with PhilSB.
So she found a new way to express her esthetician self: re-using tea bags to put on her closed eyes, apparently it’s hydrating and soothing….
She noticed however my giggling and after I mentioned “so you like tea-bagging, maybe I can help…” she asked me what I meant exactly. Always willing to educate and enlighten , because I am a kind soul, I give her the Urban Dictionary definition.
She starts laughing and then say that I could tea-bag her next time we get frisky but she has a fantasy of her own : to spread my down-under area with Coolish vanilla ice-cream (very specific, I know) and lick it. So here we go, next session will be quite experimental. I may or may not write a report for your pervs, if you are good boys.