The Next US President is....

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There is not a single country on the face of the planet or in the history of mankind that has given black men and women as much opportunity to succeed and become successful and wealthy as the United States. So if America is, as you put it, a fundamentally "racist" country full of law enforcement professionals who "like to execute black people for sport," then why, for over a century, have black and brown poor people around the world been willing to risk life and limb to get here and bring their families with them? And when did your home country, or any other leading developed western nation in the world, overwhelmingly elect a black man to be its leader? That's about as stupid and ignorant of a comment as anyone could possibly make and really not worthy of a dignified response except to illustrate its sheer idiocy.

If any obscenely rich celebrity wants to disrespect our history, flag or anthem, that piece of shit is fully welcome to get the fuck out and move elsewhere, perhaps to your nation of origin. But they never do, and never will, and there's a good reason for that.

This post is way beyond your usual trolling. I don't like arguing on here so I'm not going to, but I do want to at least register my opinion that this is the most stupid thing I have seen for quite some time.
There is not a single country on the face of the planet or in the history of mankind that has given black men and women as much opportunity to succeed and become successful and wealthy as the United States.
Sorry man, but you're off the mark with this one.

22% of black Americans live in poverty (exceeded only by native Americans) - nearly 2.5 times the rate for whites. And the ratio of black to white poverty is pretty much consistent throughout the country.

Those "opportunities" are mostly out of reach for people without access to quality education, and the US has a real problem with multigenerational poverty because of that lack of access.
There is not a single country on the face of the planet or in the history of mankind that has given black men and women as much opportunity to succeed and become successful and wealthy as the United States. So if America is, as you put it, a fundamentally "racist" country full of law enforcement professionals who "like to execute black people for sport," then why, for over a century, have black and brown poor people around the world been willing to risk life and limb to get here and bring their families with them? And when did your home country, or any other leading developed western nation in the world, overwhelmingly elect a black man to be its leader? That's about as stupid and ignorant of a comment as anyone could possibly make and really not worthy of a dignified response except to illustrate its sheer idiocy.

If any obscenely rich celebrity wants to disrespect our history, flag or anthem, that piece of shit is fully welcome to get the fuck out and move elsewhere, perhaps to your nation of origin. But they never do, and never will, and there's a good reason for that.

You seem quite angry now.

i think its reasonable that black people in the USA would be angry and protest about how they are treated.

whether or not they'd be treated better elsewhere is not really relevant. Neither is how racist other countries are. If the USA is your home, you should have the right to not be negatively discriminated against due to your race, and you have the right to complain if you are. Saying ‘if you dont like it, leave’ is not helping.

the UK voted in a female PM in the 1980’s... does that mean that institutional sexism ended? No it didnt. Same with Obama and racism.

youve kind of taken this personally. Im not racist or sexist but my home country is institutionally geared to give advantages toward white men. I can admit that without a) thinking i personally am a racist or sexist, b) taking offense and getting super defensive and c) going down the ‘well if they hate it so much they can leave route.
don't they do that because the police in the US like to execute black people for sport? seems like a reasonable protest to me. If I were a black American, and I saw the amount of racist shit going on there, Id probably not be belting out the anthem at the SuperBowl either.

How many blacks are killed by other blacks compared to blacks killed by white police officers or even white people in general?

It is a pity that ‘illiberal’ Liberals don’t go into to the black communities and stop the madness of black on black murders. There are programs which help to steer black kids away from a gangs and a life of crime. The liberals would rather spend their time destroying statues and trash talking Trump on the Internet. Today’s BLM news: they vandalized a bunch of Elvis statues at Graceland. How does that improve race relations or help black communities in general?
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Sorry man, but you're off the mark with this one.

22% of black Americans live in poverty (exceeded only by native Americans) - nearly 2.5 times the rate for whites. And the ratio of black to white poverty is pretty much consistent throughout the country.

Those "opportunities" are mostly out of reach for people without access to quality education, and the US has a real problem with multigenerational poverty because of that lack of access.

Hopefully, one day there will be a two term black President in the US who is focused on addressing inequality.
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Hopefully, one day there will be a two term black President in the US who is focused on addressing inequality.

Fixed that for you.
How many blacks are killed by other blacks compared to blacks killed by white police officers or even white people in general?
I have no idea. Id guess black on black crime is the highest though.
The liberals would rather spend their time destroying statues and trash talking Trump on the Internet. Today’s BLM news: they vandalized a bunch of Elvis statues at Graceland. How does that improve race relations or help black communities in general?
It doesnt. Its furthers the divide, and its stupid.
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How many blacks are killed by other blacks compared to blacks killed by white police officers or even white people in general?

Honestly, that's a line that's commonly used by racists to justify anti-black rhetoric and policies. The truth of the matter is that most homicides are intraracial - whites are more likely to be murdered by other whites, blacks by other blacks, hispanics by other hispanics.

Blacks account for 52% of all murder arrests in the US, while whites account for 45%.

Blacks make up 13.4% of the population (44mm) while whites make up 63.4% (208mm), which seems to make those rates skew pretty heavily towards lawlessness on the part of blacks.

You need to then consider that 22% of blacks are impoverished (9.7mm) and 8% of whites (16.6mm) - much less of a disparity. This is further influenced by the majority of impoverished whites being rural dwellers who can offset the effects of poverty by hunting or other means to keep food on the table, while the majority of impoverished blacks live in urban areas where they have no such options.

A more telling question would be, "What percentage of murders are committed by people living in poverty, and against people living in poverty?"

The real problem in the US isn't one of race, it's one of class imbalance.
Race equality is a just cause. Just don’t be a sheeple who ‘bends the knee’ for fear of being labeled a ‘racist’.

Remember BLM are more interested in stoking racial tensions and ‘defunding the police’ than anything else.

Also they advocate boycotting white-owned businesses. Racist much?
I apologize if I came off as angry, as that certainly wasn't the case--I was experimenting with $12.99 Costco American Vodka at 4am and that's what happens when I'm still up at 6pm and decide to jump on my computer.

But I stand by what I said. More than any country in the history of mankind, America has offered black men and women the greatest opportunity to gain unprecedented success and wealth. The problem here is that you're confusing what I'm talking about. You can quote X% of blacks live in poverty VS Y% of whites live in poverty...and from the last stats I read while working for the federal government the black poverty figure was closer to 30%. But most of you are focusing on things in terms of a lack of Equality of Outcome. That's not what our country was ever based on. That's the same asshole logic that says every kid should get a trophy. Of course, there are inequalities in America if you contrast race and wealth. But America was never about each race should have equal wealth, or again, Equality of Outcome.

That's the problem with socialists like Barack Obama, who take a European leftist view of social policy. Who believe that everyone should have an equal amount in their bank accounts (except elected leaders like Barack, of course), and if not, then the government should step in and regulate that situation. The fundamental idea that has driven the American Dream is Equality of Opportunity. Every single person, no matter what our color, no matter if you're fucking neon green, has the opportunity to make it big in this country. Will they? No, there will always be winners and losers. The problem today is that millenials and liberals think everyone DESERVES to be a winner no matter what. Leftists and today's Democrats and liberals preach the virtue of guaranteed outcomes. It's classic class warfare strategy used by leftists. That's utter bullshit. America is based on the idea or guaranteed opportunity. And that's why we have the most powerful economy in the history of mankind.

Of course, the natural comeback is to stoke class warfare and throw out quotes about socioeconomic inequalities that are caused by lack of access to quality education. And you know what? Regarding black inner-city kids without access to quality education? I agree. The single biggest factor in black kids not having access to quality education? Lack of school choice. Poor black kids, in shithole neighborhoods, are forced--by Democrat policies, by leftist policies and by labor union policies--to attend schools in their crumbling neighborhoods. Democrats in Congress have worked tirelessly to deny inner-city kids the opportunity to go to schools in safer neighborhoods and rabidly fight against any and all charter schools that could give those kid an alternative to the gang-infested and broken inner-city school system. They force kids to remain in dangerous, shitty schools and then those same Democrats drone on about poor black kids being denied access to good education. It's shameless bullshit and one of the reasons I went from teaching in public schools to working for the Republican Party. As Dr. Condoleeza Rice very accurately put it:

"When I can look at your zip code and I can tell whether you're going to get a good education, can I honestly say it does not matter where you came from, it matters where you are going. We need to give parents greater choice, particularly poor parents whose kids, very often minorities, are trapped in failing neighborhood schools. This is the civil rights issue of our day."

Single parent homes. Fatherless homes. Black-on-black exponentially higher than virtually non-existent white-on-black crime or, contrary to what those BLM jagoffs or the media would have you believe, cop-on black crime. If any of these social justice assholes really cared about elevating poor minority kids and ensuring they have their shot at the American Dream, they'd be pushing to let those kids go to school outside of the Democrat-controlled ghetto shitholes in Democrat-controlled cities in Democrat-controlled states. But they won't. Never did. Never will. Because they need to keep enough blacks poor to use them as political pawns so they can point at successful people, use them to stoke jealousy and class warfare and ride that sentiment into the next Democratic election win.

There's a reason Trump's numbers are rising in the African American community, not the least of which being that he is the first president to ever enact through executive powers REAL criminal justice reform and address the disproportionate number of black Americans incarcerated for non-violent crimes (rather than just give pretty speeches about it for eight years like Barry did). Democrats count on black folks to be stupid enough to remain on their farm, but Trump's audacity is waking people up. And let's not forget about the hard FACTS of Trump's results, prior to the virus outbreak: lowest black unemployment in seventy years, lowest hispanic unemployment in seventy years, lowest female unemployment in fifty years and the strongest stock market in the history of the nation. And in case you haven't been paying attention to the news, we're headed back in that direction and I'm going to enjoy watching the bulk of you folks and the rest of the media crybabies try to write it off when we end up with the biggest, most thriving middle class in history.
Remember BLM are more interested in stoking racial tensions and ‘defunding the police’ than anything else.

Yes, stoking racial tension and low level dissent is another tool that has been used for centuries by the ruling elite in various regimes to keep the lower and middle classes distracted and divided. In the USA it stretches back to the mid-19th century and the formation of the KKK with subsequent Democratic party backing (yes, the Democrats used to actively support and aid in the suppression of the rights of black Americans back in the day). The Chinese government do the same even now by stoking anti-Japan sentiment whenever they're worried the proles are getting a little too dissatisfied. We're starting to see another darling tactic in the US right now, that of right wing groups demonstrating in left dominated areas in order to instigate fights, and then claim that they are the saviours necessary to protect the middle class from the violent lefties.

Assholes on either side, and the shrinking middle class caught in the middle.
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"When I can look at your zip code and I can tell whether you're going to get a good education, can I honestly say it does not matter where you came from, it matters where you are going. We need to give parents greater choice, particularly poor parents whose kids, very often minorities, are trapped in failing neighborhood schools. This is the civil rights issue of our day."

Bingo - except we're in disagreement on one very important part. The Democrats are very involved in keeping a large segment of the population uneducated and in poverty, but the Republicans are also involved in the same stinking game.

The American two party system has evolved to the point that you have an entrenched ruling class that are manipulating your country to ensure that they, and only they, hold the reins. Republican or Democrat, at this stage it matters not - it really is very much the wealthy versus the not-wealthy, and the only difference between the two is that one group wears arrogant sneers and the other sports smarmy fake smiles of sympathy.

The truth of the matter is that the American system is rigged, and they're rigging it more every year.
The Chinese government do the same even now by stoking anti-Japan sentiment whenever they're worried the proles are getting a little too dissatisfied.

But you have to admit they do it way more organised way. Back in the day a decade or so ago when I was with a large Japanese company while they had demonstrations in the area where their Chinese headquarters was located I was talking with one of the guys on the phone. He told me all of their cars parked on the side of the road nearby had been destroyed by the stone throwing mob. I asked if the cops have not arrived and he answered "yeah, we saw them coming. They brought more stones as the demonstrators ran out".
Sorry man, but you're off the mark with this one.
Don't be sorry, he knows what he is.

When Black people protest, his ilk screams 'stop whining'.
When Blacks bend the knee, they lose their shit.
When Blacks riot, they say '...if only they were peaceful!'

They could perpetuate their terrorism against us, spew all sorts
of bullshit and there was no accountability for murdering Blacks, and
now, it's affecting global strategic equations, our economy, and election.

I've seen people in Asia saying '...what if that was me?'; it occurred to me:
If the U.S. does that to their own citizens, where does that put their 'friends'?
It has given Blacks an opportunity to do something important: strap up.

Peak prosperity was when Blacks had the weapons to lawfully defend themselves.
This trend is returning, to the chagrin of faux liberals, conservatives, and Drumpf.
Liberals disarmed Black people with gun laws, conservatives with 'self defense' shyte.

White Americans kill over 300% more people out negligence (largely by drunk driving)
than all Blacks kill out malice. The famous FBI report showing how Black people commit
half of all murders has a little disclaimer:

Program does not include the following situations in this offense classification: deaths caused by negligence

The FBI doesn't aggregate that because it goes against the 'narrative'. The narrative that
'intellectually' 'justifies' lethal force against, and fear of, Blacks. The world is watching
and if these twats push it, they'll send the great dollar diving into the ground at the worst time.
Today’s BLM news: they vandalized a bunch of Elvis statues at Graceland. How does that improve race relations or help black communities in general?
I'll bet ya $10 to a doughnut someone was "hired" to do that shit.
Don't be sorry, he knows what he is.

When Black people protest, his ilk screams 'stop whining'.
When Blacks bend the knee, they lose their shit.
When Blacks riot, they say '...if only they were peaceful!'


You are overcompensating and playing the ‘racism card’. This means you are either like the idiot who is the current Prime Minister of Canada. You never a met a black person until you were 30 years old and ‘blacked up’ on the weekend and are trying to make amends.

Or you cherry pick your racism like the far left in the British Labour Party. Illegal immigrants equals good guys. People of a Jewish heritage need eradicating.
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You are overcompensating and playing the ‘racism card’. This means you are either like the idiot who is the current Prime Minister of Canada. You never a met a black person until you were 30 years old and ‘blacked up’ on the weekend and are trying to make amends.

Or you cherry pick your racism like the far left in the British Labour Party. Illegal immigrants equals good guys. People of a Jewish heritage need eradicating.
You are illiterate.
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White Americans kill over 300% more people out negligence (largely by drunk driving)
than all Blacks kill out malice. .

What is the point of quoting this ‘factoid ‘?

That it is OK for blacks to murder people because white people cause a bunch of fatalities when they drink and drive?

Or black people should be given more cars and alcohol so they can cause more drink driving deaths in the interests of equality?

If you quote random ‘facts’ at least try to justify why you are using them.
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You are illiterate.

Thanks for your three word response. I guess my response was a bit too close to the truth and showed you up for what you are.
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The what-about-ism level here is insane and kind of juvenile, quite representative of all political debate in the world right now. We are all fucked.
Don't be sorry, he knows what he is.

When Black people protest, his ilk screams 'stop whining'.
When Blacks bend the knee, they lose their shit.
When Blacks riot, they say '...if only they were peaceful!'

They could perpetuate their terrorism against us, spew all sorts
of bullshit and there was no accountability for murdering Blacks, and
now, it's affecting global strategic equations, our economy, and election.

I've seen people in Asia saying '...what if that was me?'; it occurred to me:
If the U.S. does that to their own citizens, where does that put their 'friends'?
It has given Blacks an opportunity to do something important: strap up.

Peak prosperity was when Blacks had the weapons to lawfully defend themselves.
This trend is returning, to the chagrin of faux liberals, conservatives, and Drumpf.
Liberals disarmed Black people with gun laws, conservatives with 'self defense' shyte.

White Americans kill over 300% more people out negligence (largely by drunk driving)
than all Blacks kill out malice. The famous FBI report showing how Black people commit
half of all murders has a little disclaimer:

The FBI doesn't aggregate that because it goes against the 'narrative'. The narrative that
'intellectually' 'justifies' lethal force against, and fear of, Blacks. The world is watching
and if these twats push it, they'll send the great dollar diving into the ground at the worst time.

i cant make out a coherent point here at all.
Bottom line , if people don’t want BLM demonstrations in their backyards (which is understandable after all) cops should stop killing black guys (or anybody for that matter) except in cases of clear danger for others and/or themselves.

Given all the cases that made the news , it seems that there are way too many trigger-happy (or choking-fans) guys in the police who have zero self-control and yes, undeniable racial bias. How are those guys selected? And trained? And assessed? None of the people they killed were bearing weapons. Don’t blame the BLM organizers for the consequences...
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Bottom line , if people don’t want BLM demonstrations in their backyards (which is understandable after all) cops should stop killing black guys (or anybody for that matter) except in cases of clear danger for others and/or themselves.

Given all the cases that made the news , it seems that there are way too many trigger-happy (or choking-fans) guys in the police who have zero self-control and yes, undeniable racial bias. How are those guys selected? And trained? And assessed? None of the people they killed were bearing weapons. Don’t blame the BLM organizers for the consequences...

Very simplistic arguments from Ftenchie here. There are around 700,000 law enforcement officers in the US so you would expect a few bad apples. Any group that large would have a number of ‘racists’. You are condemning the police as racist because you don’t like the police.

Most of the people killed by the police are violent thugs with weapons. You are naive if you think otherwise.

Members of the BLM have openly called for a boycott of ‘white’ businesses. Sounds a bit racist. I am not aware of any police department openly calling for a boycott of black businesses.
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Very simplistic arguments from Ftenchie here. There are around 700,000 law enforcement officers in the US so you would expect a few bad apples. Any group that large would have a number of ‘racists’. You are condemning the police as racist because you don’t like the police.

Most of the people killed by the police are violent thugs with weapons. You are naive if you think otherwise.

Members of the BLM have openly called for a boycott of ‘white’ businesses. Sounds a bit racist. I am not aware of any police department openly calling for a boycott of black businesses.
I wonder how many racists are here in this group? :p
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