What Do You Miss Most About Being A Kid?

Being able to view the world as it is, be unjudgemental and naive. Waking up each day full of curiosity and not having to worry about having a livelihood because my parents were looking out for me.
I was an avid fan of the trish-chris jericho- christian-lita story line. Ughh! I was crazy for them. Serious obssession. Deep down I knew it was scripted but I keep on denying it on myself. That was 2004, i was fourth grader. 9 years old :D

Deep down I knew it was scripted but I keep on denying it on myself
Same here :LOL:
I've received some pretty nice gifts from customers, but the thing that made me the happiest was when a customer who went to America for Wrestlemania brought me an official Shawn Michaels t-shirt :happy:
The child in me squealed XD

I imagine that apart from wrestling on tv, what i miss the most is how innocent i was... Growing up, i became a bit of a misanthrope after all the bad stuff i've seen and shitty people i met.
Always having a fully stocked frig and cubbard of food.
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