Which games are you currently playing?

Finally making it through Horizon Zero Dawn. I suck at souls-like games so it never caught on with me, but the story and world are amazing. I found out recently they added the "story" difficulty, which makes the fights way way easier, and you can still play through it all to get the story. I'm enjoying it because just running through the world without having to worry about some giant machine ambushing me is more calming than it was when having to plan our your travel route to avoid specific machines and then run like crazy when you came across a group of them that could tear you apart.
I'm playing is Project Highrise. Fun game to me, especially since I'm a complete and total sucker for tycoon games. Finishing the game doesn't seem fully possible since I've got a long way to go.
Because we have a music and a movie thread going, i thought one for games could also be interesting. I have to admit, that nowadays I barely find the time to play games anymore, but sometimes it's a good to blow off some steam and relax. Good for break in between work or when you are stressed.