Dude - you actually said above that "utsubuse" is the way to say it and that you didn't know a position name, I give you (and the original poster) the name of the position, and now
you're trying to give me a grammar and usage lesson? I gave you a vocabulary item in isolation, not a suggestion to grunt the word in bed.
And seriously, drop the "kure", unless you want to sound like a 70 year old Peace Light puffing kei truck delivery driver.*
That explains a lot. Life tip: Do not assume anything you learned from anime applies to real life. And given what we've seen of your understanding of Japanese, you probably shouldn't be giving anyone language advice until you spend some significant time learning and using the language in the real world.
Keep in mind that Requiem and I live here and use the language in our day to day lives.
* Since you don't live here and might not understand the reference: Peace Light is a particularly powerful yet cheap high nicotine cigarette brand, favoured by the low end of the working class.